Ceres and Jupiter Ignition ~ 20 Jan 2023

Mercifully, Mercury and Mars travel in direct, prograde motion. Asks the Universe, “So, what are you waiting for? If the Cosmos gave you a burning bush as a sign, most likely you’d call the fire department.” True, Mercury in Capricorn now quincunxes Mars in Gemini. Since Mercury is who they are and Gemini is what it is, there should be a six-fix at hand. Claim these personal planets, to figure a plan to conjure at least six options for the next three life steps, right? After all, the quincunx points to creating a constructive personal sequence of events that were not initially part of the plan, or whose inclusion, add essential torque to overcome early year inertia not previously realized or considered.

Online circulate a series of vintage postcards that wish or portend luck in the new year for the recipient. Those images of prosperity, luck and well being: Horseshoes, four-clovers, mushrooms and plump pigs were omens of a fruitful, prosperous year at the beginning of the 20th Century. Missing from the list: Promising Planetary Passages.

Venus now approaches Saturn in Aquarius, that approach complete in two days. Combined, they sextile Eris in Arise, each accomplishing the sextile within days. This pattern says, “You want in? Ante up!” Yes, getting in on the new offers and gizmos guaranteed to make life a galactic groove takes investment of all your resources from financial to physical and psychic energy expended. Venus to Saturn is great to assess and budget what one has available. Should it be that not enough resources appear immediately available, a time line for acquiring needed assets and a strategy for doing so can develop. And one can get on the schedule with this information. Remembering that resources are not only cold hard cash, but benefits than can be transferred, and enthusiasm and applied energy, a plan can formulate for inclusion, albeit considering the obvious resources often overlooked. Says Aquarius to Aries, “You can fill that container if you consider the intangible.” Budget and apply your physical resources as well as imagination, knowledge and wisdom.

Looking down the road to shore up personal well-being and confidence, Jupiter in Aries treks toward Chiron forming an exact conjunction on 11 March. This will do just that. Something to look forward to embracing. More immediately Jupiter opposes Ceres in Libra right as we enter February... and right as Ceres stations into retrograde motion. Given the Jupiter transit immediately at hand, consider negotiations with everyone’s pal, Pluto. Sure adding Pluto arranges a tricky wicket that makes electing a Speaker of the House in the United States House of Representatives appear like a Romper Room play date. But it’s part of the plan to ensure everything - especially primal soul stuff - weaves its way into the transiting tapestry.

When Pluto abducted Ceres’ daughter, Ceres went ballistic. To arbitrate the ceriousness of the matter, Jupiter had to step in. Indeed a difficult set of negotiations caused a compromise to be struck. Of course, neither of the arbitrating parties emerged fully satisfied. Still, each party gained some wishes and did not come away empty-handed. Was it fair and balanced? It was close and it prevented a catastrophe.

Now, In Ceres in Libra fashion, all are inspired to strike deals that work between parties with differing, seemingly divergent, needs.

Astronomers now contend that Ceres once occupied the Kuiper Belt and Jupiter gravitationally escorted her away from the realm of constant interactions with Pluto and into a dominant position in the asteroid belt. How amazing is that!? The physical solar system is believed to have transacted, perhaps emulated, what Jupiter mythologically did to assuage the Ceres to Pluto potential confrontations.

Let’s track Ceres returning to her station point degree later this year and several steps of that return. We all ride this early year Ceres-Jupiter negotiation point in life. We’ve not heard the last of her interactions in the opposition with Jupiter until after her oppositions to Neptune. On or about 10 April, Ceres retrograde opposes Neptune direct, Virgo to Pisces. At this point expect more matters appear to arbitrate because with Jupiter in Aries, Ceres claims to have felt rushed to compile and submit a list of needs, wishes and demands. This upgraded wish list drops on the table in April as she engages Neptune from her detail driven Virgo occupancy. Come about 10 June, when Ceres opposes Neptune again, she dishes out more even more needs and demands. In mid-July Ceres, again in Libra and direct, opposes Jupiter one last time in this aspect cycle. Here, its time for Ceres to resolve her requirements, as it is for anyone with Ceres in the natal horoscope.

If one considers Ceres’ physical characteristics - diameter, mass, specific gravity and density - relative to all other planets with mathematical assessments, she turns out to be more like Kuiper Belt Objects than inner solar system bodies. Add to that, she comes out demonstrating more physical capability that the other planets. Truly, Ceres is a superior physical force with which the other gods and goddesses must contend, and as an astrological component of a full, healthy horoscope, mortals benefit from considering her provocations with solution-based optimism.

Here are some things to consider in the spirit of gaining the most superior results from Ceres in her current aspect run:

One must be on the moral high ground and provoking outcomes not only for the self, but for how the self can do its best in the current incarnation.

Cooperation between all parties must be built. Allies who match the highest objectives can be included as resources. Pot-stirring individuals and provocateurs are best not included.

Negotiations cannot be zero-sum with the intention of or resulting in scorched Earth. Win-win scenarios serve the best outcomes, and more cosmic brain power will be required, calling back any Venus conjunct Saturn in Aquarius wild ideas.

Improvement and enhancement are cornerstones of evolution. “Include the newfangled ideas,” Uranus crankily yells, while sitting on the porch of Taurus.

Transferring assets and redirecting energy to the highest causes may serve to solve stalemates, urges Pluto on the verge of Aquarius.

Savoring all gains and wins and accomplishment is recommended for increasing satisfaction and filling the sails of the soul, sanctions Jupiter in Aries.

So, this year, as Ceres plays big and wants her fair due, keep in mind what it means to play nice in the sand box. Avoid cutting off the nose to spite the face. Shun the urge to take your marbles and go home, which runs contrary to Jupiter’s transit to Eris which insists each person be responsible for their full involvement in life. Submit all your needs without compression or attenuation since Jupiter is involved. It likely helps to articulate why you want what you want. As others understand the drive of your passion and your intent and motivation, the organic comprehension tends to clear obstacles from the path as you are no longer perceived with suspicion and interfering vibes.

Luck and lucky icons have nothing to do with it. Nice for last century, but here we are in an eon in which all skills, insights and knowledge meld together for forging optimal results.

So, with all this good, dive in and deal. That’s how get it going, Cosmic Rompers!

More soon.

Should life feel stalled out and in perpetual stalemate, that may be the universe signaling that a consultation would be in order. Remember to ask for a full Ceres, Jupiter, Chiron, Pluto assessment and ask that dwarf planets be included to apply galactic grease to those gears. Sessions can be a half hour, full hour or a package of consultations intended to guide your way through the early weeks of a year that portends great progress. A Galactic Report will offer up some subtle life aids. So click on the links below to get yourself on the books in a timely manner!